Jan Worth’s love

"Jan Worth published her great novel Nightblind herself (with iUniverse) and thank goodness she did. She worked on it for about thirty years she says in the Acknowledgements."

"In her determination to move out from under the constraints of her churchy childhood, Charlotte makes a refreshingly nonjudgmental first-person narrator. Her story is compelling and her observations are witty and perceptive...Charlotte is a celebrant of life. She wants to be happy. She’s a party girl and a jokester, trying to have fun, taking things as they come. But events beyond her control demand more from her than she may ever have intended. Whether she learns from them is unclear. She survives them. She mulls them over, and appreciates being alive. Fact or fiction or a mixture of both, this is a very readable book."

These are highlights from a forthcoming review of Night Blind by RPCV and former LA Times writer Sharon Dirlam. Watch for the whole review at the link above.
Night Blind achieves Reader's Choice designation
Night Blind and Jan and Ted's history is featured in the November, 2006, newsletter of Thanks to John Coyne and the other volunteers of this richly interesting site!

Click above to read the section on Night Blind in the newsletter's "Literary Type" column.